- 2025年2月4日
On February 4, 2025, Professor Nico De Witte, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences and co-founder of Belgian Ageing Studies (BAS), Belgium, delivered a lecture for Advanced Global Health Studies at Juntendo University. The lecture covered topics on population ageing in Europe and Belgium, challenges for policy implementation under neoliberal policies in Europe, and findings from Belgian Ageing Studies.
後列左から3人目がDr. Nico氏、後列中央が本講義を企画したDr. Myo氏
Dr. Nico is third from the left in the back row, and Dr. Myo, who planned this lecture, is in the center of the back row.- 2025年1月28日
当研究室のミョー特任准教授は、世界銀行グループから招待され、マヒドン王子賞カンファレンス(PMAC)2025サイドミーティング「Aging, Long-Term Care, and the Care Economy for Elderly Empowerment」で「Cross-Cultural Evidence and Policy Recommendations Towards Digitally Inclusive Healthy Ageing in Asia」と題したプレゼンテーションを行いました。日本、韓国、シンガポール、タイにおけるDigitally Inclusive Healthy Ageing Communities (DIHAC)調査の結果に基づいたものでした。
Associate Professor Myo Nyein Aung, Department of Global Health Research at Juntendo University, was invited by the World Bank Group to contribute a presentation and a panel discussion at the Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC) 2025 side meeting for “Aging, Long-Term Care, and the Care Economy for Elderly Empowerment”.
His presentation, titled “Cross-Cultural Evidence and Policy Recommendations Towards Digitally Inclusive Healthy Ageing in Asia,” drew on findings from the Digitally Inclusive Healthy Ageing Communities (DIHAC) Study: A cross-cultural study in Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore and Thailand.