

In the Kingdom of Thailand, where the population is rapidly ageing, the Health Service Support Department of the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) is responsible for leading the country's ageing policy from the perspective of health care. We, the Department of Global Health Research at Juntendo University, are deepening our cooperation with the Department of Health Service Support, MOPH, due to our achievements with respect to the older adult care model in Chiang Mai and our relationships with Mahidol University and Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the Juntendo team and the MOPH had co-sponsored workshops and held meetings to exchange information on ageing in both Japan and Thailand. Going forward, the MOPH and we aim to develop a community-based integrated care system for older adults in the country. As a result of these exchanges, in July 2023, Juntendo University and Thailand's MOPH concluded an official MOU (Memorandum of Understanding), and it was decided that we will cooperate with each other on measures to address the ageing population.




In 2022, the percentage of the population aged 65 and over in the United Mexican States was 8.13%, ranking 107th in the world, which was moderate, but it is predicted that ageing will progress rapidly in the future. The aging of the population is steadily spreading to other Latin American countries as well. Mexico's ageing initiatives, which are representative in Latin America, are attracting attention as a model for the Latin region. Therefore, since 2021, JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) has supported the "Project for Community-Based Integrated Care for Older Adults" in Mexico City and Guadalajara City in Jalisco State as pilot sites. In response to a request from JICA, we have provided technical assistance in order to transfer the experience of Japan, which is at the forefront of the challenges of an ageing society, to Mexico's strategies for countering the societal impacts of aging.





“The Project for Strengthening Network of Maternal and Child Health in Bolivia” (the so-called FORSA Project) was started by JICA in 2001 in the Santa Cruz province of the country, and since then has been expanded to other provinces nationwide, and in 2016 it was taken over by the Oruro province, and concluded in 2020. Japan's National Center for Global Health and Medicine had provided technical support for the first half, and Juntendo University took over support for the latter 10 years after receiving a commission from JICA. Japan has provided assistance to Bolivia for the improvement of maternal and child health for a total of 20 years, dispatching many Japanese experts, accepting trainees from Bolivia, and providing medical equipment. The cooperation has led to the development of guides and tools detailing the programs and activities encompassed by SAFCI (Salud Familiar Comunitaria Intercultural), the country’s basic health policy. Japan's contribution has brought tremendous results to Bolivia. These activities were compiled into a book entitled “Dancing in the Blue Sky of Bolivia, South America - Heart-to-heart Health and Medical Cooperation (translated from Japanese)” (published by Yukodo).



2016年から、私たちはシンガポール国立大学(NUS)と共催で「持続可能な高齢社会に関する国際フォーラム」を開催してきました。NUS教授で元国連統計局長のPaul Cheung先生は、デジタル技術を活用した高齢化政策の世界的権威のおひとりです。同氏は2019年から順天堂大学の客員教授に就任くださっています。私たちは同氏と共同して持続可能な高齢社会の課題について共同研究を進め、毎年国際フォーラムを開催し、その成果を発表してきました。新型コロナ流行で一時中断していましたが、これを再開し、アジアの研究者と連携して高齢化問題に積極的に取り組んで参ります。

Since 2016, we have co-organized the “International Forum on Sustainable Ageing Society” with the NUS. Dr. Paul Cheung, a professor at NUS and a former director of the United Nations Statistics Department, is one of the world's leading authorities on ageing policy using digital technology. He has been a visiting professor at Juntendo University since 2019. Together with him, we have been conducting joint research on issues for a sustainable ageing society, holding the international forum every year, and presenting the results. Although it was temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will now resume the forum and continue to actively work on the ageing problem in collaboration with Asian researchers.






In 2019, Juntendo University signed a memorandum of understanding with the JICA Tokyo Center regarding the "JICA University Collaborative Volunteer Dispatch Project". As a result, over the five years, undergraduate and graduate students from Juntendo University have been dispatched to Chiang Mai, northern Thailand, as members of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers. Long-term volunteers with a dispatch period of two years and short-term volunteers with a period of two months have been dispatched to Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, which has been conducting joint research with us for many years. In addition to giving lectures at Rajabhat University, they provided technical assistance for ageing measures at Maehia city and the health center in Chiang Mai. Not only was Japan's experience and knowledge of non-communicable disease prevention and ageing countermeasures useful in the local community, but the participating students also gained valuable experience providing international support, which will help them play an active role internationally in the future.




In January and November 2019, the Department of Global Health Research Juntendo University, received a commission from JICA to conduct training for senior staff members from the Maternal and Child Health Administration of the National Health Commission of China (equivalent to Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) and the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The purpose was for participants to engage in the training program to learn about public health, maternal and child health, and infectious disease control in Japan. During the training, the participants moved to Kochi prefecture and carried out site visits, and after returning to Tokyo, they visited the National Center for Global Health and Medicine and the Japan Family Planning Association, as well.



The Department of Global Health Research Juntendo University has been commissioned by JICA to implement a training project to accept trainees from Japanese descent Nikkei communities in Latin America. The project contributes to the development of the Nikkei community and the nation-building of the destination countries through technical cooperation with those who play a leading role in the collaboration between Japan and the Nikkei communities in Latin countries. Our department has so far accepted trainees from Mexico (a university student), Brazil (a doctor, a nurse, and a speech pathologist), Paraguay (a nutritionist), and Bolivia (a nurse).




The Department of Global Health Research Juntendo University welcomed Ms. Anzhelika Shevchuk, a student of Bogomolets National Medical University, Ukraine as a former elective placement student. She joined our department with a massive passion for global health. During her placement at the department, she was provided with the opportunity to dive into the Japanese medical care and long-term care systems through research meetings and field data collection in the community. Doctoral and master’s students of different backgrounds also shared their current research activities in fields including migrant health and infectious disease control, and their work in ageing research.



かつて日本政府の支援によりタイ国マヒドン大学サラヤキャンパスに設立されたアセアン健康開発研究所(ASEAN Institute for Health Development;AIHD)は、アセアン諸国のみならず世界中の公衆衛生従事者に対する研修を提供し公衆衛生学研究を行う組織です。歴代の世界保健機関事務総長やタイ王族が度々訪問するなどマヒドン大学内でも一目置かれた教育研究機関です。順天堂大学医学部公衆衛生学講座の丸井英二前教授はこの施設で日本人を対象とした研修を実施して参りました。この研修はこれまでに800名以上の日本人履修者がおり、国内外の第一線で活躍しています。丸井教授から引き継ぎ、現在順天堂大学グローバルヘルスリサーチ研究室・国際教養学部がマヒドン大学と共催で「タイで学ぶグローバルヘルス夏季研修」として実施しています。2018年には、これまでの研修実施の功績からJICAやWHOの組織と同時に、マヒドン大学から順天堂大学に感謝状が贈られました。

The ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AIHD), which was once established at Mahidol University Salaya Campus in Thailand by a grant from the Japanese government, provides training to public health workers not only in ASEAN countries but also around the world. It is an educational and research institute that is highly respected within Mahidol University, with official visits by successive World Health Organization Secretaries-General and members of the Thai royal family. Former Professor Eiji Marui of the Department of Public Health, Juntendo University School of Medicine, has conducted training for Japanese people at the AIHD. More than 800 Japanese people have participated in the training program so far, and they are active on the front lines both in Japan and overseas. Currently, taking over from Professor Marui, the Department of Global Health Research and Faculty of International Liberal Arts at Juntendo University co-sponsored, with Mahidol University, the implementation of the "Summer Seminar on Global Health in Thailand". In 2018, Juntendo University received a memorial award from Mahidol University at the same time as JICA and the WHO for our cooperation in implementing the training course so far.



