(1) 3A構想
The 3A Initiative
What should young people, who will lead the next generation, learn, and what kind of knowledge and skills should they acquire in order to play an active role as the kind of talent that the world needs in 10 or 20 years’ time? The Department of Global Health Research at Juntendo University believes that one solution to this issue lies in strategies for addressing the ageing population, and provides a place for young students to learn how to deal with ageing in Japan, a country that is at the forefront of this issue. It is the Izu region in which the "Sunrise Izu Initiative" has been implemented, and the health cooperative in Tokyo has been collaborating with our department. We are promoting efforts to disseminate and share the experience and gains obtained from our research and development in Izu and Tokyo with other countries in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, where ageing will progress rapidly in the near future. We call this action plan the "3A Initiative", which stands for Asia, Latin America, and Africa.