
We aim to contribute to shaping the world where no one is left behind and everybody on earth can live in health and well-being.

About us

私たちの研究室は、世界のすべての人々の健康とウエルビーイングの向上を目的に、Population Healthの視点から社会実装とアドボカシーのための研究を実施しています。研究対象は幅広く、ミクロレベルでの個々人の健康行動の促進、メゾレベルでの健康の社会的決定要因やコミュニティエンパワーメント、マクロレベルでのヘルスシステムとヘルスサービス提供モデルの構築に焦点を当てています。またグローバルヘルスにおける介入や観察研究を通して、高度な能力を有する学際的かつ国際的な人材の育成に努めております。

We aim to conduct research for both implementation and advocacy from the perspective of Population Health, with the purpose of improving health and well-being of all people in the world. Our researches range from promoting individual healthy behavior at micro-level, social determinants of health and community empowerment at meso -level, and health system and service delivery models at macro-level. We nurture multi-disciplinary and international professionals for advanced competencies to conduct interventions and observational studies in global health.


研究室の紹介記事はこちら(出典:日本WHO協会「目で見るWHO」 No 87, Page 16-17, 2024 URL https://japan-who.or.jp/about-us/library/)

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We seek to consider consistently what we should do from a perspective of global health, aiming for a better society where both humankind and nature can sustainably survive.


Studies of Department of Global Health Research, Juntendo Univ.

現在実施中の研究と事業 / On-going researches & projects

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過去の研究と事業 / Completed researches & projects

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We try to serve as a bridge for education and research of ageing between super ageing Japan
and rapidly ageing countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa.




Associate Professor Myo Nyein Aung was invited to participate in the United Nation Economic and Social Commission for  Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) Regional meeting on Enhancing Digital Literacy among Older Persons in Asia and the Pacific,” organized from August 1 to 2 in Beijing, China. He provided policy recommendation and share his research findings from Digitally Inclusive Healthy Ageing Communities (DIHAC): A cross-cultural study in Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore and Thailand to government officials and researchers. 

In the second week of August, he was invited to Baotuquan Campus, Shandong University, Jinan, to the 3rd China-Japan- Korea Healthy Ageing Conference to give a lecture. The title of the lecture was “Culturally Diverse, Community-Based Social Innovations (CBSI) for Healthy, Ageing and Digital Inclusion in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Mexico, India, and China” . 


Our department's delegation paid a visit to the Embassy of Pakistan in Tokyo to meet with Ambassador Raza Bashir Tarar. Professor Motoyuki Yuasa provided the Ambassador with a briefing on the proposed collaboration with the National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST, ranked No. 1 in Pakistan) for an AI-based comprehensive frailty assessment system (HaaS Project). Ambassador Tarar emphasized the importance of public-private partnerships for the mutual benefit of the two friendly countries and pledged wholehearted cooperation from the diplomatic mission.

Right side : Ambassador Raza Bashir Tarar and Head of Chancery Taimur Zulfiqar / Left side : Associate Professor Shirayama Yoshihisa, Professor Motoyuki Yuasa and Assistant Professor Ishtiaq Ahmad



On July 5, 2024, the final presentation and closing ceremony of JICA Yokohama's 2024 Japanese Descendants Society Training Program on "Aging Care and Lifestyle Disease Prevention" was held. This year, a total of three Nikkei doctors, one from Cuba and two from Brazil, completed their training at Global Health Research, Juntendo University. 



Professor Yuasa and Asst. Professor Ahmad visited the Malaysian Research Institute on Ageing (MyAgeing™), Universiti Putra Malaysia and the International Islamic University Malaysia. They discussed about the department's healthy ageing initiatives (3A including HaaS). Moreover, they explored the exciting possibilities of collaborating on joint ageing research in the future.

During their visit, they also visited the primary care facility, observing the dedicated work of a PhD candidate who is currently conducting research involving the recruitment of older individuals for her thesis.

マレーシア・プトラ大学MyAgeing™所長ラヒマ・イブラヒム博士(左)と共に / Rahimah Ibrahim, PhD, Director MyAgeing™ Universiti Putra Malaysia

Dean Dr. Juliana Bt. Md. Jaffri and the staff of Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, International Islamic University Malaysia

(グローバルヘルスリサーチ研究室 博士課程学生 ヌレインさん(左から2人目)のデータ収集場所) 
Primary Health Care Center staff (Department of Global Health Research, PhD student, Ms.  Nurain data collection site) 



Associate Professor Myo Nyein Aung was invited to present his research findings of the project : Digitally Inclusive Healthy Ageing Communities (DIHAC): A cross-cultural study in study in Japan, Singapore, Republic of Korea and Thailand at the 15th world Ageing Festival, Asia Ageing Conference in Singapore at Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapore.  Dr. Myo explained the policies and implementation of digital facilitation programs and healthy ageing in four countries. He announced how internet use and digital skills are associated with the quality of older persons’ life.


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Department of Global Health Research,
Graduate School of Medicine,
Juntendo University

Hongo 2-1-1, Bunkyo city, Tokyo, 113-8421, Japan

Closest railway stations;
JR Chuo-line, Ochanomizu St., exit of Ochanomizu-hashi; 8 min walk
JR Sobu-line, Suidobashi St., exit of Higashi; 7 min walk
Tokyo Metro Marunouchi-line, Hongo-Sanchome St., 7 min walk